Some hookah bars have already been closed by the public order office as a precaution due to the increased risk of smoke poisoning. For the protection of your guests and employees, rely on the ShishAir air filter from InoxAir®.
The benefits at a glance
You’ll save cash money and protect your guests as well as employees
Our carbon monoxide catalytic converter saves you money by reducing coal consumption as well as the installation of a smaller and therefore cheaper ventilation system.
Scientific studies by the Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe (BGN), among others, prove an efficiency of approx. 90% when used correctly.
Make your shisha bar stand out with a healthy environment for staff and guests and gain a market advantage.
Our ShishAir carbon monoxide catalyst is not only very user-friendly. All parts of our filter can be processed again and again if used correctly and serviced annually.
You’ll save cash money!
Professionals and private users
According to the current state of the art, a ventilation system in a commercially operated shisha bar must exchange at least 200 m³/h of room air per lit water pipe. By using the ShishAir®-CO catalytic converter, the air volume can be reduced to 30 m³/h.
This means that ventilation systems in hookah bars can be reduced by up to 85%.
If, for example, 20 water pipes are smoked at the same time in a conventional shisha bar, the ventilation system must exchange at least: 20 shishas x 200 m³/h per shisha = 4,000 m³/h of room air. When smoking a hookah using the ShishAir® co-catalyser, the air volume is reduced to: 20 hookahs x 30 m³/h = 600 m³/h. (In compliance with accompanying regulations, e.g. the Gas-BauVO of the federal states).
When used correctly, not only carbon monoxide is catalytically converted. The consumption of hookah charcoal is reduced by up to 60%, as only two cubes are needed per hookah instead of the usual three. In addition, the combustion of the charcoal cubes is slowed down, so there is no need to replace them with two new cubes during a smoking session, depending on personal preference.
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Tele: + 49 (0) 209 38 62 00
InoxAir GmbH
Alfred-Zingler-Straße 36
D-45881 Gelsenkirchen